Agustín Lasaosa returns to SD Huesca's presidency five years after stepping down to protect the club's interests and focus on his defense in the Oikos Operation. Cleared of all charges, Lasaosa is back with renewed energy and sheer enthusiasm.

Agustín Lasaosa Cleared and Reinstated

Agustín Lasaosa was warmly welcomed back into SD Huesca after a five-year hiatus. The former president voluntarily resigned to not endanger Huesca's reputation amid the Oikos scandal. Now, fully exonerated, he takes back the reins with undeniable zeal.

"The feelings I'm experiencing are extraordinary. Returning here after five years is a matter of pride and joy. I come back with the word 'enthusiasm' etched in my mind," Lasaosa told the press.

Rebuilding Fan Trust Amid Economic Challenges

Lasaosa's primary goal is to rekindle the passion of Huesca's support base, which has been strained by social and economic difficulties. His vision is to restore the club's status as a transparent, serious organization that fans can rally around.

“I want all of Aragon, and even Spain, to see the enthusiasm that SD Huesca has to return as a transparent, serious club that we all love. I thank my colleagues for unanimously deciding on my return,” he said.

Financial Injection from Grupo Pini and Grupo Costa

In the immediate future, Huesca will rely on a participative loan from two significant meat industry leaders, Grupo Pini and Grupo Costa. This financial support is crucial for the club's upcoming season. Although the deal isn't finalized, Lasaosa remains optimistic.