The summer transfer window is heating up, and one name on everyone's lips is Aimar Oroz. The 22-year-old midfielder from Osasuna is drawing significant attention from several clubs, setting the stage for what could be one of the most intriguing transfer sagas of the season.

Girona and Athletic Club Enter the Fray

Interest in Oroz is hardly surprising, given his impressive performances. Both Girona and Athletic Club have already made formal offers ranging between €6 million and €10 million. However, Osasuna has staunchly rejected these initial bids, firm in their belief that the battle for Oroz will only intensify and eventually meet their financial expectations.

Osasuna’s Stance

"We are confident that the bidding war will reach our desired amount," - Osasuna's spokesperson.

Osasuna has set a release clause at €28 million for the young talent, but they are realistic. They understand it's unlikely any club would match this high figure. Nevertheless, sources within the club suggest that they are willing to negotiate if a formal bid ranging from €13 million to €15 million comes through — roughly half the release clause.

A Rising Star’s Future

The young Spaniard's potential move is not just about numbers. For Girona and Athletic Club, securing Oroz would mean adding a dynamic playmaker to their midfield. His vision, control, and ability to dictate the pace could make him a game-changer for either team.

Historical Context and Future Prospects

Historically, Osasuna has been a launchpad for many talented players. The club's keen eye for young talent is well-documented, and their developmental ethos has enabled players to flourish at higher levels. Oroz could be the next big name to emerge from their ranks, continuing a rich tradition.

What makes this situation even more fascinating is the broader context of La Liga's shifting dynamics. With powerhouses like Real Madrid and Barcelona continuously scouting for emerging talent, Osasuna's handling of Oroz’s transfer could set a precedent for future dealings.


While the final destination for Aimar Oroz remains uncertain, one thing is clear: his transfer saga will be one to watch. Whether he ends up dazzling fans at Girona, orchestrating plays for Athletic Club, or staying on at Osasuna, his journey will be closely followed by football enthusiasts and analysts alike.

Editor: Vitalina Patskan