Artem Milevskyi, the former football star, is embarking on a new chapter in his life. After retiring from professional football, Milevskyi faced challenging times but is now on a promising road to recovery.

Milevskyi's Journey to Recovery

Milevskyi's post-football life has not been easy. He had to undergo a rehabilitation program at a clinic to address some personal issues. However, the efforts are paying off, and he is making strides in his recovery. His resilience and determination are evident as he actively works on rebuilding his life.

A New Romance Blossoms

In addition to his recovery, Milevskyi's personal life is also seeing positive changes. Recently, he appeared on social media with a new romantic interest. His Instagram posts reveal that he is dating a woman named Olesya, who has a passion for luxury cars.

"After a period of hardship, it's heartening to see Milevskyi finding happiness both in his personal and social life," noted a close source.

A Promising Future

Milevskyi's relationship with Olesya seems to be blossoming. The couple has been sharing glimpses of their time together, including stunning bouquets that Milevskyi has been gifting her. These gestures suggest that their romance has been developing over some time.


Artem Milevskyi's journey from the highs of professional football to personal challenges and now to a phase of recovery and new love is truly inspiring. His story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of perseverance.

Editor: Emiliia Morozova