"Metalist 1925" President Nosov Promises Strong Rebound After Relegation

Analyzing Season's Mistakes

Vladimir Nosov, the determined president of "Metalist 1925," has assured fans that the club's recent relegation to the First League will not hinder its progress. Instead, Nosov sees it as an opportunity for growth and improvement. In a recent statement, Nosov emphasized the importance of analyzing the mistakes from the past season and addressing any shortcomings.

"We have a lot of work ahead of us. We need to analyze the mistakes of the season and correct the deficiencies," Nosov stated.

Unwavering Support and Financial Stability

Nosov reassured supporters that his commitment to the club remains unwavering. He stressed that the transition to the First League will not affect the financial support and backing the team receives. On the contrary, Nosov is determined to enhance the club's infrastructure and ensure sustainable growth.

"As an investor and president, I continue to support the club. Moving to the First League will not impact our funding or support. On the contrary, we will do everything to ensure that Kharkiv football continues to develop," he affirmed.

Focus on Transfers and Scouting

One of the key areas Nosov plans to focus on is the club's transfer strategy. He highlighted the importance of strengthening the scouting network and bringing in new talents to bolster the squad. This proactive approach aims to build a competitive team capable of achieving success in the First League and beyond.

Developing Young Talents

Nosov also underscored the significance of youth development in the club's long-term vision. By nurturing young talents and integrating them into the first team, "Metalist 1925" aims to create a sustainable model for future success.

Maximizing the Upcoming Year

With a clear roadmap in place, Nosov is optimistic about the future. He expressed his determination to make the most of the upcoming year, leveraging it as a period of growth and consolidation.

"We have this year, and we intend to use it as productively as possible," Nosov concluded.

The commitment from Nosov and the club's management team provides a strong foundation for "Metalist 1925" to rebuild and strive for excellence in the First League. Fans can look forward to an exciting journey as the club works towards reclaiming its place in the top tier of Ukrainian football.

Editor: Emiliia Morozova